So right off the bat, the reading was very confusing to me. I couldn't get past the first three paragraphs without looking the words looking completely foreign to me. The entire reading had a lot of large words in it that I had no clue to what they meant so I had to search for their definitions. Even though Ascott was referring to just telematic art when he gave the word "meaning" a definition, I still think it is one of the best definitions of it especially in the art world and what the relationship between a piece and the viewer is. Ascott states that "Meaning is the product of an interaction between the observer and the system". Once I got to the portion of the text where the pictures were included and doing research of my own, I began to better understand what the telematic art movement is. This reading was very challenging for me to comprehend if I'm honest. For example, I had to re-read certain portions so I could fully comprehend what was being said, it was such a contrast to the previous, Fluxus, assignment we were given which was so literal and didn't require one to read too deeply into the instructions given by the artists whereas this required some intense thinking (at least for me personally), and I feel as though I would understand it better if it came from someone else's perspective or if it was explained in a way where my slow mind could comprehend.