Slow Art Movement Response

The piece that I decided to do the Slow Art Movement exercise was the piece “Ball Contact” by British artist Tony Cragg, which is located in the Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art.  I have been to this museum two times prior to my visit during spring break.  Once was with my mom after we visited the Kimbell Art Museum (which is across the street from The Modern) and the other time was during a high school field trip.  Both times I went to this museum, I just quickly went through it and I didn’t pay too much attention to the art since modern art is not my favorite movement if I’m honest, however, I still respect the artist who participates in it.  So I went back to see if there were works that I may have missed or ones that peaked my interest.  This particular piece I had seen on my previous visits, since it is apart of the museum's permanent collection, and I also stopped to look at it but not for more than one minute so I knew that 10 minutes was going to be challenging (I go through all museums fairly quickly as well).  My latest reaction while observing this piece wasn’t much too different from my previous ones.  I had the same conclusion that what the objects Cragg made out of the steel were various continents and countries but, I came up with a reason behind why these various pieces of land were surrounding the ball in the middle.  All of the steel continents are touching the ball itself and I interpreted that as meaning Cragg was saying that all the nations are all on the same planet (the ball) but are still apart, different, and still have individual struggles and also difficulties between the territories themselves.  I also thought that the various colors Cragg used with each piece of steel signified that as well.
